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Life: Speech, House & Holidays

A lot has been happening in our little corner of the world. I feel blessed, thankful, exhausted and worn-out, is it possible to feel all the feelings at once haha?

Tyler and I have been working on a big project and I can't wait to share it with you! I plan to hold it in until the new year, but you may be able to guess what it might be! I have been dropping hints on my stories hehe. I am just so so so excited to share it with all of you!

But for now, I will keep the secret!

House update: OKAY YOU GUYS! We have a foundation. It may have been done in the snow and cold but somehow, they were able to finish it! I am so excited to see progress take place.

Next comes the septic, waterline and shell. The building is supposed to go up early December. I am praying the progress continues to move forward. We are scheduled to pick out barn doors next week. The doors will be placed in front of our hallway that leads to the bedrooms. That is all I have for now!

Life update: Dean turned two! We had such a fun time celebrating our baby shark. He got a kick out of being the center of attention. He does this cute action where he says 1 more and when we sang happy birthday, he said, "one more time." It was the sweetest thing! He is having a blast playing with his new trucks, tractors, puzzles, and books!

About a month ago we had Dean evaluated for speech. He qualified through AEA to enroll in speech coaching.

As many of you might know, I have a speech impediment. I was enrolled in speech classes from the time I was 5 all the way until 8th grade. For Megan and I, it is the letter R after a vowel, for example, church, four, fork, board, etc. Speech therapy was helpful, I used to have trouble with W also. I still have a slight impediment and it is something I am constantly aware of, but it is something that is just my norm. My name is Morgan which has a OR. You would be shocked how many times I am misheard when I introduce myself. So often, people think I say Morlorgan or Mulligan.

I work with 1000+ students in a month and I get asked all the time if I have an accent among a variety of other speech questions. I say all of this as a base for where my thoughts are at. At Dean's 1 year old appointment they asked if he could say 10 words. At the time, Dean was only saying Da and Ma. From 15-18 months, Dean began saying De for Diesel, mmm for moo and he began sign language. That boy can communicate in such a unique way, he definitely knows how to tell you what he needs, even if it is a combo of sign language and talking. At the evaluation, they confirmed that he does have a slight delay in speech. His responsive communication is pretty high but his expressive is delayed. Kids all move at their own pace and sometimes they just need time, but I wanted to double check. Knowing my own struggles with speech, I had concerns.

At this age, it is more coaching for Tyler and me on how we can best help Dean. The AEA is a free resource, I highly recommend if you have any concerns! I was really nervous to reach out and make the first appointment, but I also wanted to get early access to resources and Sarah is super nice! Dean is already warming up to her. I have noticed even in the last few weeks; he is really starting to talk! I am so proud of my little man. He is now saying; no, yes, oh, kitty, go, roof, moo, roar, and yuck!

Holiday season is in full force, and I am taking advantage of a few extra days off to relax and recover from a nasty cold that is just hanging on. My body is trying to tell me something. It seems as soon as my body is feeling better, I catch something else!

It has been so nice to sleep in and spend quality time with the family. It is currently Black Friday as I sit down and write this post. Growing up, Grandma Carol would take us shopping at midnight. In the last couple of years, I spent Black Friday meeting family for coffee and decorating. This year I went grocery shopping, made appetizers, and watched football. All fun traditions! What is your favorite tradition? I love all the festivities of the holidays, one of them being BAKING! I love baking with family.

Megan and I have a fun M&M podcast episode planned for December! You won't want to miss our festive episode as we wrap up the year! We plan to chat about healthy holiday recipes, Hallmark movie reviews, true meaning of Christmas, and would you rather (Christmas style)!

What questions do you have? What do you like to read about? What content interests you? I want to make sure I am sharing relevant and relatable posts! Comment or email to let me know your thoughts!

As always, thank you for reading!



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