CHEERS to 2025! Does anyone else feel like 2025 sounds like such a large number? I feel like it should still be in the teens.
I love sitting down to reflect on the the past year before jumping into visions and goals for the future. We have big goals for HB Flowers and Beef LLC. but sometimes it doesn't feel like we are really moving the needle... but I know that isn't true. Even turtles make it to the finish line! Join me as I reflect and dream.
I intentionally took my foot off of the gas pedal this year and at times I questioned myself. What if I let off on the gas and people forget about HB Flowers and Beef LLC.? I had such great momentum and if I take a step back, others will push forward. Will people think I am letting go of my vision? So many thoughts went through my head but I found myself saying no to things and it felt good to set boundaries.
It was still one of my busiest seasons, I just said yes to the things that were top on my priority list. It was also our most successful year in business as a whole. I think things aligned because I trusted God when I felt called to slow down.
Last year my vision was to slow down and really enjoy time with my family. I dreamed of slow summer days, evening chores with Tyler and the kids, and calm days outside in nature. We prioritized the flower cart. I said NO to weekly farmers markets, NO to subscriptions, NO to merch, NO to workshops and NO to orders outside of the growing season. I said YES to events, YES to weddings, YES to my flower cart, YES to a couple farmers market visits and YES to partnerships. On the beef side, we said NO to direct marketing beef with individual cuts. We said YES to selling beef to family and friends, YES to adding mineral to our program, YES to keeping back a few heifers, YES to buying a new bull.
The No list does not mean it was a negative choice, it just meant it was a NO for that season. I hope to bring back many of those things in the future, especially the workshops, subscriptions, etc.
Where do I see ourselves in 10-15 years? I would love to own a storefront on the farm where we sell beef, flowers and other locally sourced items from farms around us. I would love to have a small venue where we host workshops, bridal parties, anniversary parties, etc. How do I make that happen? I am not sure... we are taking baby steps each day.
Realistically this year I would like to add raised garden beds to our operation and expand the flower cart to a mobile flower wagon. I have the vision to build a small greenhouse. I would also like to get a quote for building a calving shed.
To be honest, being an ag teacher and having the business is challenging at times. It takes very strategic planning and organization. I feel like the growth of the business has slowed with little ones and transitioning to teaching but I know that God has a plan and my word of the year is to trust.
Trusting God in this season
Trusting God to provide
Trusting myself to know what to do
We are not anywhere close to a position that would allow me to work the business full time but I love to envision it one day. In the meantime, I am very thankful to have a job where I get to teach about agriculture and one that gives me summers and holiday breaks with my kiddos.
On more of a personal note, I plan to spend more time in the word. I have been leaning on my own abilities to accomplish goals and I know the real strength and motivation lies in the hands of the lord.
Dean begins preschool in the fall and I have been ansty to get him more involved with little leagues, swim lessons, sunday school, etc.. I am hesitant too though because I know once you sign them up, it will become just a constant haha and I don't know if I am ready for that yet.
Levi learned to crawl while we were in Florida. I love watching him gain his little personality. He is such a happy baby. We had the best time celebrating Christmas in Florida with Tyler's family. It was such a relaxing few weeks.
I look forward to creating more memories on the farm with the kids this year. I LOVE seeing the farm through their eyes. It is so fun to see what they are interested in. I envision myself becoming a bit more of homesteader and I hope to continue to make healthy swaps/choices for myself and the family. My goal is to be strong and healthy. I want to feel my best and I want to shoot for longevity. Researching is such a passion of mine and I am really interested in slowing down, decreasing my technology usage and creating things by hand.
What are your thoughts as you head into 2025? What are your YES and NOs from 2024. I encourage you to reflect before you envision the future.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read and I pray you have a wonderful new year!